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TC Energy Grant to continue the Wildlife Recreation Study

TC Energy Build Strong Grant to Continue Wildlife Recreation Study The FTA is thrilled to announce, with support from Dr.Clayton Lamb, we have received a grant from TC Energy to continue the Wildlife Recreation Study on going on the Provincial Park and Crown land. The Elk Valley is a truly remarkable region where industry, recreation, […]

NEWS RELEASE: RDEK and Fernie Trails Alliance Secure Funding for Fernie Valley Pathway Final Design

NEWS RELEASE: RDEK and Fernie Trails Alliance Secure Funding for Fernie Valley Pathway Final Design RDEK and Fernie Trails Alliance Secure Funding for Fernie Valley Pathway Final Design A new trail connecting the City of Fernie to the Fernie Alpine Resort is one step closer to reality as newfunding has been secured for the project’s […]

Trail Razr 6

Join us for a night of fundraising, games, dinner, DJ & dancing! All proceeds go directly to the trails.

FTA AGM 2024

Don't forget to sign up for our 2024 AGM, taking place Wednesday May 8, 6.30-8PM at the KDS Learning Campus.